By Jon B. Haussler
Now Available
Over 460 photos of Griswold muffin pan designs and computer graphics depicting over 200 pan variations are featured here, along with the names, numbers, pattern numbers, dates of production and comparative rarity of each pan.
The startling range of muffin pans produced by the Griswold Manufacturing Company from the late nineteenth century through the 1950s is covered in detail in this fascinating guide. The author provides more than 235 photographs of muffin pan designs and computer graphics depicting 226 pan variations.
All the pertinent details necessary to identify Griswold pans are provided, in addition to the names, numbers, pattern numbers, dates of production, and comparative rarity of each pan. Also included is a brief history of the company, the evolution of Griswold's muffin pans, and details from Griswold sales catalogs.
Prices are provided in the text for every pan and variation listed.
"Collecting Griswold muffin pans is enjoyable, affordable, challenging, somewhat mysterious, and addictive," says the author, who has been seeking out cast-iron for more than half a decade.
Size: 8.5in x 11.0in | Pages: 160
| 463 photos
Binding: Paperback / softback
ISBN: 9780764302398
Paperback / softback - $29.95 USD